Clinical Care and Professional Governance

The Angus HSCP Clinical, Care and Professional forum brings together our wide range of professionals and services, each with different perspectives and skills. We have social workers, nurses, allied health professionals, doctors, pharmacists and managers all actively working together. By exploring and embracing these different perspectives, the Forum creates a shared understanding of how we can deliver integrated, high quality care within Angus. Together we oversee the quality and safety of care provided by our services including those contracted by us which enables us to provide assurance to the Angus Integration Joint Board, NHS Tayside and Angus Council.

There are six main areas that are considered:

  • Information Governance
  • Professional Regulation & Workforce Development
  • Patient, Carer & Staff Safety
  • Patient, Carer & Staff Experience
  • Quality & Effectiveness of Care
  • Promotion of Equality & Social Justice

We consider a wide variety of information such as inspections, audits, complaints and adverse events. We have a key responsibility in enabling learning across services, disciplines and agencies, as well as the sharing of good practice and innovative ways of working.

From April 2020 we have adopted a new quality framework to support our continuous improvement approach. This has been developed in line with the Health and Social Care standards. This ensures our focus remains on what matters most to people. Every service will be adopting this framework and reporting into the Angus CCPG on a yearly basis. You may already be aware of some of the improvement work going on such as improving care for people who may be experiencing continence issues and an increased focus on anticipatory care planning.

There remains a focus on supporting care homes especially as we approach what we expect will be difficult winter for our frail elderly population. Clearly infection prevention and control remains a priority for us as we continue to live with COVID-19.

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